
Common Immigration Challenges: 6 Obstacles You Could Face and How to Overcome Them

You’ve planned and organized. You’ve studied the country, its history, and its culture. You’ve dreamed of relocating to the United States your entire life, and now all that remains is to pack your bags and get on the airplane. You’re looking forward to your new life in America and all that comes with it, but unfortunately, it may not be as simple as that.

After completing the arduous task of getting through the immigration system, many immigrants may find new challenges on the other side.

To help you prepare for the road ahead, we’ve put together a guide for navigating some challenges you may face. Keep reading as we break down six of the most common immigration challenges people face when relocating to the U.S. and how you can overcome them.

#1 Immigration Laws

One of the biggest challenges facing immigrants in the United States and abroad is U.S. immigration laws. Current laws are anything but straightforward and can change at any time. Just when you think you understand the process, you could potentially find something that contradicts everything.

While these laws aim to keep illegal immigrants out, they can also make it feel impossible to realize your dreams in the U.S. If you miss even one thing, file one form incorrectly, or omit an item, your application could be thrown out, sending you back to the beginning of the process. Luckily, immigration lawyers like those at the Law Office of Lina Baroudi exist to help you navigate these laws. They can walk you through the process so that you can breathe a little easier.

#2 Language Barriers

Language encompasses everything we do, from ordering food at a restaurant to accessing health care. But when moving to a new country, many immigrants may find a significant language barrier awaiting them. Although the United States does not have an official language, there’s a presumption that all individuals should or do speak English.

And when they don’t speak it fluently, immigrants may face hurdles in functioning in society or, worse, discrimination. Because of this, even small mundane tasks like opening a bank account or buying food can prove challenging. You can prepare by brushing up on your language skills or enlisting the help of friends or certified translators. Doing so could also help if you later apply for U.S. citizenship!

#3 Cultural Differences

There are many reasons why people come to the United States from other countries: for a better life, for peace, for religious freedom, etc. However, cultural barriers can make it extremely difficult to acclimate to your new environment.

You may find that social cues, wardrobes, and even religion differ significantly from your native country. In most cases, cultural shock improves with time but may temporarily affect your mental health as you grasp the change.

To help acclimate, we recommend the following:

  • Stay in communication with friends and family back home
  • Bring familiar items with you to the U.S.
  • Find new friends that share a similar culture or values

#4 Lack of Employment Opportunities

Immigrants may face discriminatory hiring practices. This can be a frustrating and discouraging realization upon your move to the States. America is supposed to be a country that welcomes all people—”the land of opportunity”—but unfortunately, it can sometimes feel like the opposite.

Resources may be available to assist you with your job search. Community resources like local unemployment offices, staffing companies, and other agencies can help you find valuable job opportunities in your city.

#5 Legal Status

Your legal immigration status determines what you can do and where you can go in the United States. While necessary, it can also be challenging to maintain.

Suppose you’re in the U.S. on a temporary work visa. In that case, you will not be able to enroll in school or enjoy certain activities. Additionally, if you were to lose your job, your status in the country would change, and you would have to depart the country.

The risk of deportation is significant for many immigrants. To some, it may feel like an ever-present threat to their freedom. An immigration attorney can explain to you what your immigration status is and help you maintain it. If you have temporary status, an attorney may be able to help you get a green card or permanent residency.

#6 Access to Housing and Transportation

Finding a decent place to live or transportation can be a constant struggle for immigrants and their families. When first moving to the U.S., you’ll need a new driver’s license—a process that doesn’t happen overnight.

This can leave you with limited transportation options, and the few options available can be expensive and time-consuming. And when it comes to getting affordable housing, the options available may be subpar.

Researching the area you’ll be settling in can help counter some of these issues and perhaps find better housing options. Find out what living arrangements are offered in the area, prices, and methods of getting around.

Fulfilling Your American Dream

Hundreds of thousands of immigrants relocate to the United States yearly, whether securing work, pursuing an education, or chasing the American dream. Whatever your reason for coming to the U.S., the Law Office of Lina Baroudi immigration attorneys wants to welcome you with open arms.

Their law firm understands this is a challenging process to go through; the laws are complex and frustrating. And even after you’ve successfully jumped through all the hoops, an additional barrier may be awaiting you. They want to help you lessen that burden by walking you through this process.

When you’re up against the mighty immigration system, you need a trusted immigration law firm to see you through it. You need lawyers who are well-reviewed, experienced, and efficient. You need the team at The Law Office of Lina Baroudi.

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