workers’ compensation


What To Do If Unsure Of The Work Injury Claim To Receive?

Workplace Injury Lawyer

To know whether you are receiving the benefits you are entitled to receive can be difficult. Clarify the entitlements and ensure nothing is missed on the crucial benefits with the help of seasoned work injury lawyers.

Types of available work injury benefits

When injured in the workplace, a worker is entitled to different benefits. The benefits are shouldered by the employer since the incident happens in the workplace. When you are unsure of the benefits you are entitled to receive, you should know all these:

  • Medical treatment. Coverage for all the needed medical care related to your illness or workplace injury.
  • Wage loss or temporary disability benefits. Compensation for the lost wages if you can’t work because of the injury can be up to two-thirds of the pre-tax gross wage.
  • Permanent disability or permanent loss of function benefits. When the illness or injury results in permanent impairment.
  • Job displacement or retraining benefits. The worker can’t return to the previous job because of the injury.

Understanding the estimation of benefits

  • Temporary disability. There is an estimation of the benefits the injured worker can get. The calculation will be estimated based on the maximum weekly benefit.
  • Permanent disability. The calculation is based on the extent of the several factors:
    • Impairment
    • Age
    • Occupation
    • Wage at the time of injury

Navigate disability insurance claims!

Workplace Injury Lawyer

  • File for disability insurance. If the injury is work-related and the existing condition worsens, an injured worker can file a disability claim.
  • Denial or delays in workers’ compensation. When facing denials or delays, disability insurance benefits are available.
  • Receiving the difference. You can be eligible for the difference when the workers’ compensation benefits are less than the disability benefit amount.
  • Concurrent benefits. Injured workers can’t receive:
    • workers’ compensation
    • DI benefits
  • Pending cases and liens. When disability insurance benefits are issued while the workers’ compensation case is pending, the lien is filed to recover the benefits after the case is settled.

When should you consult the workers’ compensation lawyer?

  • Medical condition assessment. If unsure whether the condition is work-related, the physician can determine the cause.
  • Reporting to the employer. You can report a work-related disability to the employer.
  • Medical report submission. The physician should submit medical records to the employer’s insurance company.
  • Disagreement and appeals. When disputes arise with the claim, you can talk to a worker injury lawyer for legal advice.
  • Right to appeal. A worker injury lawyer helps you file for the right to appeal about disability insurance.

A worker injury lawyer provides guidance and ensures you are assisted with filing claims and handling disputes to claim the full benefits the injured worker deserves.

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